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Family Picture

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Everyday Jesus

As Judah has gone to school i've had heavy on my heart helping him learn to hear & feel Jesus in his everyday life.

I, personally, talk and do life with Jesus every minute of the day. This is something that was probably taught to me and i have developed over the years.
Jesus should i call her?
Jesus check my attitude.
Jesus is this what you have me do today.
Jesus i'm sucking today.
Jesus i'm drained.
Jesus help me.
Simple prayers throughout the day is how i do life with Jesus.

As I drive Judah to school he says a prayer everyday. The last few days when i've driven him his prayer is this: "Dear Jesus, Help me be brave to slide down the pole. Amen."

Doing life with Jesus.
Jesus help me with the task that is overwhelming to me.

I took Jocelyn for her check up today. (She's tall if you didn't know). As we were driving we came to a very quick stop. She asked why we stopped. I said because there was just an accident. Personally, whenever i see an accident i always say "Jesus help them, be with them." Short, sweet, but God knows my heart. Today i asked Jocelyn if she wanted to pray for those people, she said no. So I told her i would and we prayed together.

I want my kids to know that Jesus isn't only alive and present on Sunday, at the dinner table, or when mommy & daddy need money, or when mommy & daddy are stressed. Jesus wants to be in our everyday, doing the monkey bars, sliding down a big pole, or driving to work decisions. He wants to be in all of our thoughts and actions.

These are my Wednesday thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. love it. praying for others and praying about character are some of the best ways to teach your kids selfless prayer and dependence on Jesus. i can't tell you how many times i hear "i'd like to pray that i get a new wii." so instead, we pray for that person's patience. :) praying for the needs of others is great too. i think a child that grows up praying for people they see hurting learns that God is with us in every situation. those are my thoughts. :)
