Family Picture

Family Picture

Thursday, April 12, 2012


When your church has gone through something like our church recently has, i think everyone's first response is--I need more details to pray better.

Because praying is a good response. But more details would further those prayers right?

More and more as the week has gone on i have wanted to know less and less. The burdens of this world are not meant to be carried on my shoulders. They are however, meant to be voiced from my heart to the Lord.

I don't think i've ever had such a prayer life as the one i've developed this week. Probably, for me, out of deep pain and a feeling of "I want to help" or "i want to fix things" comes a longing in my soul to seek the Lord.

In the past my prayer life is something ive developed to be a daily, all day sorta thing. Nothing really purposeful.

Well this week my prayers have had purpose. My prayers have needed to flood heaven on behalf of my husband and others.

When a situation shakes you to your core. Sometimes our first response to them is worldly. As in, i must know more, i need to speak with "them", i need to hear from them, instead of seeking the Lord.

I am reminded that your nose, nor does mine, need to be in every situation. Yet our prayers should be flooding heavens gates daily.

God's people pray.
God's people are purposeful.
God's people are unashamed.
God's people flood heaven with loving prayers.
God's people cry on their knees in desperation of Him.
God's people listen.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these words of wisdom, Kathy. That last item on the list really spoke to me (no pun intended)... God's people listen. So often when I pray, I forget to take the time to listen. Thanks for reminding me of this!

    Mel Nason
