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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday Thought

I had a fun morning with a sweet friend i've met through our church. We had an interesting conversation about a question i raised.

I said: "something i think i struggle with is being understanding of people who are unhappy in their situation. I struggle to find empathy for people when they can change their situations. Don't people get that God wants to teach them something in every season of life?"

Well i do understand that not all people get that.
And yes, i do understand that everyone gets frustrated.
And again, yes, i understand that not everyone has my brain.

Yet, really! Why are we so unhappy in dry seasons? Why are we so hopeful for the days ahead (good thing!) but refusing to take pleasure in the moment?

I really do believe with all my heart that God wants to give us the deepest desires of our hearts. But how will we ever enjoy those desires if we are just handed them without work?

My kids always want toys. We go to target and i say i won't buy them any, then i do. I let them pick out a hotwheel. We get home, and 10 minutes later they forget about all the talking they did in convincing mom that they so desperately needed a new hotwheel. Really? That quick?

I think God puts us in seasons to help us better understand the green- luscious pasture on the otherside.

How could we ever run barefoot through a field of beautiful flowers if we haven't first unlaced our muddy boots, worked off our stained jacket, and uncovered our beautiful faces?

Just a Tuesday thought...

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